5 Quotes & Sayings By Lynwood L Giacomini

Lynwood L. Giacomini has been a professional writer since 1995 with an interest in adoption, religion, religion education, marriage, family and parenting issues. His articles have appeared in print media throughout the United States and he is an active contributor to several blogs. He has received numerous awards including the Humanitarian Award of Excellence from the International Adoption Society of Illinois. He was recently selected as one of the Top 50 Authors for Young Adults by Odyssey Magazine Read more

You can read more about him at his website www.larrygiacomini.blogspot.com

A conservative believes nothing should be done for the first time. Lynwood L. Giacomini
Like a gardener I believe that what goes down must come up. Lynwood L. Giacomini
Poverty - one thing money can't buy. Lynwood L. Giacomini
Irrevocable as a haircut. Lynwood L. Giacomini